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Oskar's active mazes ☕

Imagine an active maze where the wall change with each step you take. Everytime you think you see a way to the target a wall appears to block you path or the target moves away. Still, there is only one simple rule.

Rule: When you move forward, the square at your right-back swaps with the square on your left-front, this is known as the diagonal-swap rule.

Applet-runner plugin required


Manouvre the round dot onto the red square.


Use the Puzzles drop-list to select a puzzle.
Use Restart (Actions) or hit space to reset the puzzle.
Use Auto-generate to generate a new random puzzle.


Use the mouse to drag, or use the cursor keys.

Footnote from Oskar

Although designed by Oskar much of this puzzle is Andrea's. The Active maze puzzle was inspired by Andrea's Maze of Life and Colour-wriggle mazes. Also, Oskar reused much of Andrea's Java source code, which explains the similar look and feel with some of Andrea's other projects.

concept, applet & puzzle designs - © Oskar van Deventer & Andrea Gilbert 2006